When you wakeup in 2050 AD | Shubharticle 01|

Subh Dhungana
2 min readJan 1, 2021


“Oh! set!!!! Why I always wake up on time since I merged this Neuronpack chipset?! Lol! There was a time in my teens when alarm was a headache. Thanks Neuronpack.

(Suddenly, holographic notification screen popped out of the air ). Oh! Not again. These data leaks are now the new headache for everyone. Its like everyday news nowadays. Some of the day; some of the time; everywhere something is being leaked.

Oh! I almost forgot! Yayyyyyyy! Its time for Neuraworld(Neuraworld is the virtual world created by Neuraworld Corporation. Oh wait! Did I just use the word “virtual”. Lol. Actually it’s sad but Neuraworld seems like the real world for everyone.)

I can’t wait to enter! Ok, Here’s my avatar! This avatar looks pretty good. Hmmm. Wait a minute! Dora(Dora is Joseph’s virtual assistant)!! Doraaaaaa!!! Oh! I forgot to put my chip. Lol. Dora Dahling! Dora Replied, “Yes! Joseph”. Get me to the Neuraworld. Dora Replied, “Here it is”

(In a microsecond, there was the newworld appeared! You may be wondering where was the screen or virtualbox kind of like stuffs! Oh common! This is future! Its like a must thing for anyone to put neuralens.)

Oh! Let’s go to the racing!. Dora! Bring it on my cuckoo. (Within a split of second, there appeared a car in front of him). Lets do it today. I never win this race.

” ……..To be continued



Subh Dhungana
Subh Dhungana

Written by Subh Dhungana

Offensive Side | Bug Bounty Hunter | Programmer Having Affair With Cyber Sec

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