Paths of Becoming Security Engineer

Subh Dhungana
3 min readOct 29, 2023



Picture this: you’re in a world that’s more interconnected than ever, where your personal and professional life relies on digital technology. But who’s keeping it safe from the bad actors out there? That’s where security engineers step in. Let’s dive into the world of security engineering, and I’ll walk you through what it takes to become one, and the vital role they play in defending our digital realm.

The digital world is like a constantly shifting puzzle. It’s a space where hackers with dubious intentions lurk, and where our digital guardians, security engineers, are ever-watchful. They are the ones tasked with staying ahead of the cybercriminals, using their knowledge and skills to shield organizations, users, and the internet itself from harm.

Responsibilities of Security Engineer

Security engineers have a multifaceted job. Here’s what they do:

  1. Risk Assessment and Management: They’re like digital risk assessors, identifying vulnerabilities and assessing potential threats to an organization. They then develop strategies to keep your data safe, making sure it’s confidential, integral, and available.
  2. Implementing Security Measures: Think of them as architects, building the defenses to keep your digital castle safe. They set up firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, and access controls. All these are crucial to protect your data and ensure everyone’s following the rules.
  3. Incident Response: When trouble strikes, they’re the first responders. Like digital detectives, they investigate breaches, analyze attack patterns, and work to minimize the damage. Their quick thinking is key in reducing the impact of a security breach.
  4. Security Awareness: They’re also teachers. They educate employees and users about the best security practices. Their job is to create a culture of security awareness, reducing the chances of human errors leading to vulnerabilities.
  5. Staying Informed: Staying up to date with the latest threats and security technologies is non-negotiable. They’re like digital sponges, soaking up knowledge and staying ahead in the cat-and-mouse game of cybersecurity.

The Journey to Becoming a Security Engineer

Education and Background

Becoming a security engineer usually starts with a strong background in computer science, IT, or a related field. Many of them have bachelor’s degrees in computer science or information security. However, some take a different path, entering the field with relevant certifications and real-world experience. Certifications like CISSP, CEH, and CompTIA Security+ are like gold stars on their resumes.

Hands-On Experience

Just like learning to swim by jumping into the pool, they often start their careers as network administrators, system administrators, or helpdesk technicians. Real-world experience teaches them the ins and outs of the technology they’re protecting and hones their problem-solving skills.

Never-Ending Learning

In the world of cybersecurity, there’s no finish line. Security engineers must be committed to lifelong learning. They constantly keep an eye on the latest threats, tools, and best practices. It’s like a never-ending adventure in the world of digital defense, with new challenges waiting at every turn.

The Future of Security Engineering

As technology marches forward, security engineers will only become more essential. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, new horizons for cyberattacks open up. Security engineers will be the ones adapting to these changes and keeping us safe.

Moreover, as data privacy and regulations get stricter, organizations will rely on these guardians of the digital realm to navigate the complexities and ensure compliance.

In Conclusion

In a world where data is currency and information is power, security engineers are the unsung heroes, tirelessly protecting our digital lives. If you’re considering becoming one, remember, it’s a journey of constant learning, adapting, and staying vigilant. Technology evolves, and so do those sworn to protect it.



Subh Dhungana

Security Analyst, Penetration Tester, Bug Bounty Hunter | Offensive, Red Team, VAPT