Gold Bug Bounty Resources in 2022 | Web Application, Android & iOS Security
Take your time and start learning from these Resources.
Whether you’re at Beginner’s Level or Intermediate Level or Pro, It’ll guide you as your master.
Pick one resource link from this article from time to time and start learning. There’s no compulsion that you should learn all in order. Take you time!
Learn Bug Bounty Online Free Through These Websites Link
IVAN Amazing Github Resources & Cheatsheets
The Unofficial HackerOne Disclosure
The Most Insightful Stories of Bug Bounty
Web Application Exploits and Defenses
Pentest Labs
MySQL SQL Injection Cheatsheet
Youtube Smart Searches Links For Bug Bounty Learning
Penetration Testing Practice Labs | Bug Bounty Labs
-> Try Hack Me
-> alert to win
-> Google CTF
-> HackTheBox
-> Hackthis
-> Hacker101
-> Hacking-Lab
-> OverTheWire
-> Pentestlab
-> Penetration Testing Practice Labs
-> PicoCTF
-> Root-Me
-> Root in Jail
-> Shellter
-> Try Hack Me
-> The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
-> Vulnhub
-> W3Challs
-> WeChall
Bug Bounty News Sources Links, To Get Updated
b.Twitter bugbountytip hashtag
c. Reddit
Bug Bounty Platform
Dept Resource
SQL Injection
Research On This Mobile Security Topics Too
Install Java, both in windows and linux
Android debug bridge (adb) install and run
Android studio and sdk downloading install
Downloading, installing, and configuring genymotion
Downloading and installing the iOS SDK and Xcode
Setting up and configuring a jailbroken iPhone with repositories
Setting up android pentesting tools, such as apkanalyser, drozer, apktook, dex2jar, and jd-gui, androguard, jdb debugging
Setting up iOS pentesting tools, such as the following: oTool, keychain dumper, LLDB remote debugging, clutch, class-dump-z, and instrumentationi with frida and cycript, hopper, snoop-it
Youtube Videos Resources
Wild West Hackin’ Fest
JWT Hacking
Android Application Vulnerability Testing
Develop the habit of studying from documentation from official sites like Python, Javascript, OWASP, Linux, etc. It’ll give you depth knowledge on the particular domain topic.
- Python
- Javascript
- MDN Web Docs
- Kali Linux
- Linux Kernel
- Linux
- Portswigger
- Exploit-DB
- OffSec
- Devhints
- Hackerone
- Bugcrowd
- Explore Windows
Books Topics To Study On For Web Application, Android and iOS Security | Bug Bounty Books | Penetration Testing Books
Books plays the crucial role on sharpening your knowledge on any field. It’s like someone who’ve decades years of experiences and they put it on one collection of sheets of paper. Imagine getting that experiences by reading such collection of sheets! It’s like decades of experiences in few days.
Search these keyword on google. You’d get a lot of book name lists. Then, download it from your desired source.
- Bug Bounty Books
For Example
Search like this and You’d get a lot of learning resources books. And then, download it from your desired book downloading sources.
- Python Hacking Books
- Javascript Hacking Books
- Linux Books
- Bash Books
- Vim Books
- Awk Books
- Penetration Testing Books
- Web Application Hacking Books
- Burp Suite Books
- iOS Hacking Books
- Android Hacking Books
- Hacker Philosophy Books
- Browser Hacking Books
Thank You.
Shubham Dhungana